"Since joining Broadhempston Primary School her education has come on leaps and bounds, the staff are all so friendly and welcoming. We can't praise the school and staff enough. She looks forward to going to school every morning which is such a positive thing, making it a fantastic experience . I highly recommend Broadhempston Primary 100%" If you would like to visit our school please contact our Administrator Therese on 01803812689 / adminbroadhempston@thelink.academy

Birch Class 2024-25

Welcome to Birch class page. We are a class of Reception, Year One and Year Two children who share a great classroom and even better outside space at the back of the school.
The class teacher is Miss Clements and she is supported throughout the week by Miss Tarsky, Mrs. Jeffery and Mrs. Mason. 
Mr Tanner (the Trust P.E. lead) teaches P.E. to the class on a Tuesday, we will also have P.E. with Miss Clements on a Monday. 
Our Curriculum
Our play-based curriculum in Birch is centred around the three characteristics of effective learning; playing and exploring, active learning and creating and thinking critically. We aim for a balance of child led, adult initiated and adult lead learning across the week.
Please see our curriculum plans below for details of what your child will be up to this half term in school. 
Phonics and Early Reading
Getting your child to read is one of our top priorities in Birch. We use the Phonics Bug scheme to teach the early stages of letter/ sound correspondence. 
Please see the below documents to support your understanding of the sounds, images and resources that we will be using in class. 
Across the year, children in EYFS will cover Phase 2 and 3. Children in Year 1 will consolidate their previous learning and cover Phase 5. At the end of Year 1, the children will take part in the Year 1 phonics screening check which checks their understanding of these taught phases. 
Autumn term - Week 1
It has been brilliant to welcome Birch class back to school with such enthusiasm and excitement for their new school year! This week, we have welcomed our new starters, explored our classroom, talked about our holidays and got creative as part of a whole school art project.
Well done Team Birch!
While Oak Class parents were meeting with Miss Heike this afternoon, the children visited Birch Class to spend some time with their buddies, old and new, and enjoy a story or two together.
Autumn term - Week 2
This week Birch have been very busy getting stuck into their learning. Highlights for me have been re-enacting Guy Fawkes' gunpowder plot, learning about the crazy, vegetable-inspired art of Guiseppe Archimbaldo and continuing to explore our classroom provision which has seen some excellent learning about measuring to the nearest 100ml from both Yr 1 and Yr 2.