"Since joining Broadhempston Primary School her education has come on leaps and bounds, the staff are all so friendly and welcoming. We can't praise the school and staff enough. She looks forward to going to school every morning which is such a positive thing, making it a fantastic experience . I highly recommend Broadhempston Primary 100%" If you would like to visit our school please contact our Administrator Therese on 01803812689 / adminbroadhempston@thelink.academy

Global Neighbours

Global Neighbours school accreditation scheme

Equipping young people with the knowledge, skills and confidence to act against inequality and work towards a world free of poverty. Global Neighbours encourages a deeper understanding of global injustice and equips school pupils across England to tackle this and become courageous advocates for change.

KS2 environmental pledges
Climate change performance - Let's Change the World Together
Come and watch our wonderful performance of 'Let's Change the World Together'. You are in for a treat! Thursday 21st July 2pm.

Increasing Biodiversity
Increasing Biodiversity – helping to repair the planet Children explored the theme ‘growth’ during Science week. They have aimed to increase biodiversity by: · sowing wild flowers in the raised bed, growing vegetables and growing sunflowers. The Y3/4 children also visited the community orchard to see the re-wilding work they have done and to take part in planting many bulbs for the community.

Fairtrade survey of village shop. Which FT products do they sell?
Fairtrade assembly prepared and delivered by students
Sycamore Class - How can we live more sustainably?
How can we live more sustainably? Many issues to do with climate change were discussed including the use of wind power and solar energy. Children considered food miles and the advantages of growing your own food. They visited the local allotments and considered the rewilding taking place in the community orchard. At the end of the unit, the children studied a lady called Sunita from Bangladesh who spent most of her days collecting wood for cooking and heat. A solar cooker was donated by a charity. The children were able to evaluate the benefits of this gift for both Sunita and her family, and the planet as a whole.

Oak class - Why is Bangladesh at such a risk of serious flooding?
Why is Bangladesh at such a risk of serious flooding?

In Geography we learnt about flooding in Bangladesh as a result of climate change and poor infrastructure. We studied how this affected the people living in the flooded areas and how it impacted their lives.

Beach Clean and Biodiversity rock pool study - Willow and Beech Class
The Y1/2 children were really passionate about marine life in the seas, climate change and the negative effects that climate change has on people around the world. Having learnt about this in their class. They were keen to take part in a beach clean at this was carried out at Wembury beach. The children were very enthusiastic and worked hard to remove the litter. This was then posted on Facebook to share with the community.

Charity Fair Fundraiser
We had a fantastic charity Fair in school this week, fully organised and run by the students. Yet again, the students displayed such a wonderful sense of community! There were a whole range of stalls: guess the name of the teddy, skittles, darts, guess how many sweets are in the jar, treasure map and some tasty homemade goodies along with toys and books for sale. The children went home with their arms full with their new purchases! We raised an amazing £120! The school council have chosen to donate to Shelter Box and the Eco Committee have chosen WWF for their work with marine life so both charities will be receiving £60. We'll done again Broadhempston!

One little girl, one BIG hope

As part of our learning for refugee week, we followed the story of Amal, a ten year old refugee, who embarked on a remarkable 8,000km journey that took her from the Syrian border across Turkey and Europe. This month, one year on from leaving Syria, she will take part in World Refugee Week by visiting 10 towns and cities across England meeting old friends and making new ones. We thought about how we would welcome her to our community and captured our thoughts in some footsteps.
Oak RE- Why do Christians believe that Jesus was the messiah?