"Since joining Broadhempston Primary School her education has come on leaps and bounds, the staff are all so friendly and welcoming. We can't praise the school and staff enough. She looks forward to going to school every morning which is such a positive thing, making it a fantastic experience . I highly recommend Broadhempston Primary 100%" If you would like to visit our school please contact our Administrator Therese on 01803812689 / adminbroadhempston@thelink.academy We will be holding Open Days on Tuesday 12th November and Thursday 5th December. Come and see what we can offer.


Monday 20th May, 7.30 - 9pm PTFA Meeting


Our next PTFA meeting will be on Monday 20th May at 7.30pm at Sneydhurst.  We will be making plans for the Village Fete.  Everyone is welcome to join.  All new ideas and extra pairs of hands are very welcome.


Thanks so much.  The PTFA

Skittles Night, Friday 19th April, 7 - 10pm, Broadhempston Village Hall Skittles Night is back! We will be doing a big fundraising push this year for the school minibus, kicking off with Skittles Night on Friday 19th April at the Village Hall. We are following the same format as last year - teams of six, £2 per person to enter. Please email PTFAbroadhempston@gmail.com to enter a team. There will be a bar and Hall's pasties for tasty snacking. This was a really fun night last year so please do come along and help spread the word. All volunteers on the night much appreciated too. Thanks so much for your support. The PTFA
PTFA News and Events February 2024 PTFA Cake Sale and Uniform Swap, Friday 23rd February, 3.30 - 3.45pm Sycamore class will be selling cakes straight after school this Friday. All cakes will be a £1 so please bring along some change. We are combining cakes with the Uniform Swap this time. We have loads of really good quality uniform so please have a look through and take what you need. Everything is free. Donations to the PTFA are welcome. Easter Hunt - Thursday 28th March, 3.30pm - 4pm, the Orchard This year, the PTFA will be organising an Easter Hunt in the Orchard straight after school on the last day of term, Thursday 28th March. The Easter Bunny has carelessly mislaid his carrots. Come and help him find them and be rewarded with a chocolate egg. Siblings are welcome to join in too. The toilets at Headlands willl be open if needed. Garage Safari, Sunday 12th May - 2 - 4pm Save the Date - the Garage Safari will be returning to Broadhempston on Sunday 12th May. This is your chance to have a really good clear out and to snap up some bargains! If you'd like to take part and have a stall, it's a £10 donation to the PTFA and then you can set up shop outside your house and sell your wares. If you are not in the village, you are welcome to team up with someone who is and use their driveway. We will send out all the details nearer the time. Please help spread the word.

PTFA Christmas Jumper Sale, Friday 1st December, 3.30pm


It's that time of year again!  The PTFA will be holding a Christmas Jumper sale in the back playground straight after school on Friday 1st December. If you have any Christmas bits - jumpers, pyjamas, hair bands - then please drop them into school or pass them directly to one of the PTFA.  All proceeds go to the school and we can do our bit for re-using resources.


Thanks for your support.



PTFA Meeting, Monday 16th October, 7.30 - 9.30pm, Sneydhurst


We are meeting to get the ball rolling for Christmas planning and to finalise the final bits for the Halloween party.  Everyone is welcome to join.


Uniform and Halloween Costume Swap, Friday 20th October, 8.45 - 9am


We are bringing the second hand uniform swap forward to the Friday before half term so that we can include Halloween costumes too.  Please do have a sort out and see if you have any dressing up bits that are no longer needed.  Please give donations to one of the PTFA.  Thanks for your support.  The PTFA

Easy Fundraising

Please join EasyFundraising...

We are a member of Easyfundraising - they give a donation to the PTFA each time you shop online from over 7000 different companies including Sainsbury's, John Lewis, Argos, M&S, ebay, booking.com and many more.

You just need to follow the link below to register. It will offer you a pop up - if you say yes, each time you go to a site that offers a donation, it will notify you. The donation does not cost you anything.

Each donation may be small but at the moment, with very few of us using it, we are raising about £25 a month. If we all do our Christmas shopping via Easyfundraising, we should be able to make a really good amount for the school.

You can also pass the link on to friends and family and get them all donating whilst they shop!

This is the link: https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/support-a-good-cause/step-1/?char=24268&invite=igen0c&referral-campaign=s2s&utm_source=raisemore

Thanks so much.


PTFA Meeting, Monday 15th January, 7.30pm - 8.30pm, Sneydhurst


Our next PTFA meeting is on Monday 15th January.  All are very welcome to join.  We will be making a plan of activities for the Spring term.