"Since joining Broadhempston Primary School her education has come on leaps and bounds, the staff are all so friendly and welcoming. We can't praise the school and staff enough. She looks forward to going to school every morning which is such a positive thing, making it a fantastic experience . I highly recommend Broadhempston Primary 100%" If you would like to visit our school please contact our Administrator Therese on 01803812689 / adminbroadhempston@thelink.academy

School Uniform

School Uniform

The wearing of school uniform is actively encouraged, fostering an identity with and pride in the school. Children should be encouraged to be clean, smart and presentable at all times.

Jumpers, cardigans, fleece jackets and PE shirts can be found on the following link: -  www.brigade.uk.com/

We also have second hand uniform sales run by our PTFA. Many items are nearly new, and we often ask for donation rather than charge for individual items. The second hand uniform sales take place once a month on a Friday morning.

Children are encouraged to wear:

  • Navy sweatshirt, cardigan or fleece. Either bearing the school logo or plain.
  • Grey skirt, pinafore or trousers.
  • White Polo Top.
  • White socks or navy tights.
  • Sensible and smart black shoes (not long boots)
  • Summer dress with blue check.
  • Sun hats should be worn in the Summer
  • Sensible strapped sandals may be worn with socks during the Summer, but should be sturdy and not ”flip-flops”.
  • Pale blue PE hooded sweatshirt.

All children will need a PE bag containing a full PE kit which consists of a navy blue t-shirt and black/blue shorts and pale blue PE sweatshirt.  In the winter months children are encouraged to wear tracksuit bottoms and sweatshirt.  (These can be found on the Brigade website or are available at all high street supermarkets) 

All children need to make sure they have a comfortable pair of plimsolls or trainers in their PE bags.  


Children will also need a water bottle, they should bring this to school with them every day.


Please would parents ensure that all items of clothing are clearly labelled with the child's name.


Book bags and PE bags are available to purchase from Brigade with the school logo on.