"Since joining Broadhempston Primary School her education has come on leaps and bounds, the staff are all so friendly and welcoming. We can't praise the school and staff enough. She looks forward to going to school every morning which is such a positive thing, making it a fantastic experience . I highly recommend Broadhempston Primary 100%" If you would like to visit our school please contact our Administrator Therese on 01803812689 / adminbroadhempston@thelink.academy


Key findings from our inspection June 2013:

Overall effectiveness - Outstanding 1
Achievement of pupils - Outstanding 1
Quality of teaching - Outstanding 1
Behaviour and safety of pupils - Outstanding 1
Leadership and management - Outstanding 1

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

  • This is an outstanding school. Pupils make outstanding progress from their starting points and attain high standards by the end of Year 6.
  • Pupils’ achievement in mathematics has been particularly strong with a high proportion of pupils reaching the higher levels.
  • Pupils benefit from high quality teaching. Teachers convey high expectations of learning and behaviour. All pupils are expected to do their best and they respond extremely well.
  • Teachers set demanding tasks which are well suited to pupils’ abilities and learning needs.
  • Pupils have very good opportunities to apply their knowledge and skills in working independently, investigating and solving problems.
  • Pupils show extremely positive attitudes to learning. They are enthusiastic and learn exceptionally well, either on their own or in teams as required.
  • Behaviour is often exemplary in lessons, in assembly and in the playing areas.
  • Pupils feel extremely safe and very well cared for by the staff.
  • Attendance is well above average.
  • By the time they leave, pupils are confident and mature learners who are extremely well prepared for the next stage of their education.
  • The headteacher provides strong leadership and educational direction.
  • Other leaders and staff work very well as a team in raising achievement and in promoting high quality teaching and outstanding personal development for pupils.
  • An exciting range of learning activities is provided with mathematics, sport, outdoor learning and music as key strengths
  • The school has established successful partnerships with parents and the community.

You can read the full inspection by downloading the below document.