"Since joining Broadhempston Primary School her education has come on leaps and bounds, the staff are all so friendly and welcoming. We can't praise the school and staff enough. She looks forward to going to school every morning which is such a positive thing, making it a fantastic experience . I highly recommend Broadhempston Primary 100%" If you would like to visit our school please contact our Administrator Therese on 01803812689 / adminbroadhempston@thelink.academy

Online Safety Guide for Parents

Please follow this link to see all the online safety updates that have been posted on our Facebook page and in our newsletters.
Staying safe online
With the increased access children have to devices that can connect to the internet, it has never been more important to understand how to be safe when using online content.

Whether children are accessing images, online games, social media platforms or just surfing the web, as part of their homework, they need to remain safe.
Online Safety is an important part of keeping children safe at Broadhempston Primary School.

We have extensive security measures in place in school, which are monitored both internally and externally, to help safeguard pupils from potential dangers or unsuitable material.

Any online safety incidents are recorded and managed in accordance with our online safety policy and online safety is taught to all pupils as part of our PSHE programme explaining and demonstrating how to stay safe and behave appropriately online. We also regularly post online safety guides on our Facebook page.

You will find some useful information below to help raise awareness of this important subject area.

Some useful websites:
https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/parents/ - 'Since 2006, Thinkuknow has been keeping children and young people safe by providing education about sexual abuse and sexual exploitation. Thinkuknow is unique. It is underpinned by the latest intelligence about child sex offending from CEOP Command. Thinkuknow aims to ensure that everyone has access to this practical information – children, young people, their parents and carers and the professionals who work with them. Alongside the Thinkuknow website the programme provides educational resources, including films, cartoons and lesson plans, to help professionals raise young people’s awareness.'

https://www.o2.co.uk/help/nspcc - contains articles and useful information for keeping your children safe online.

#StaySafeStayHome - Helpful Online Resources | Internet Matters - Internet matters is a not-for-profit organisation to empower parents and carers to keep children safe in the digital world. They have some easy-to-use instructions on using parental controls to help prevent children from accessing unsuitable content online and lots of other resources.

Online Safety for Children - Tips & Guides | NSPCC
The NSPCC has free online safety resources from setting up parental controls to advice on sexting, online games and video apps. There is also advice on how to start talking to your child about online safety and how to make sure they know they can turn to you about anything that worries them.

Useful resources:

Below is some information booklets to help parents' keep their children safe online. They have been produced by O2 and the NSPCC and Vodafone. They contain some vitally important information when it comes to child safety online.