"Since joining Broadhempston Primary School her education has come on leaps and bounds, the staff are all so friendly and welcoming. We can't praise the school and staff enough. She looks forward to going to school every morning which is such a positive thing, making it a fantastic experience . I highly recommend Broadhempston Primary 100%" If you would like to visit our school please contact our Administrator Therese on 01803812689 / adminbroadhempston@thelink.academy

Parent Charter

At Broadhempston Village Primary School we strive to ensure that your child has full access to an excellent education, which is inspiring and exciting for all. Our school visions and values are highly important in our day to day school life. We want to work, effectively, with our parents and carers to make sure your child/children makes the most of their time in education with us.

What is expected of you...
  • Ensure your child comes to school everyday, is punctual and prepared for the day ahead. This will give your child the best opportunity to achieve
  • Make sure the school is aware of any concerns that may affect your child's learning opportunities and well-being
  • Attend parents evenings and discussions about you child's education and progress
  • Take an interest in your child's participation in school life and encourage them to join a wide range of activities both during and after school
  • Support and encourage your child to follow the school's visions and values - especially the respect and caring element
  • Keep the school informed of changes of address, contact numbers and medical information
  • Support your child with homework and other home learning opportunities

What is expected of your child...

  • To respect their right to education by attending school everyday
  • To always try their best in every aspect of school life
  • To follow our school rules
  • To treat all members of the school community with respect
  • To respect their building, equipment, environment and the local community

What you can expect from us...

  • We will encourage your child to achieve his or her best, giving them opportunities throughout their school life to help them develop into independent and confident individuals
  • We will provide a balanced, creative and engaging curriculum to meet the individual needs of all pupils
  • We will ensure that opportunities are made to allow for curiosity, problem solving and adventure
  • We will ensure that your child's well-being and safety is of paramount importance, at all times
  • We will inform you of your child's progress throughout the academic year
  • We will offer all parents/carers the opportunity to be involved in the daily life of the school

Our 5* pledge

All children will have the opportunity to create an outdoor fire and cook something on it
All children will have the opportunity to meet an inspirational person
All children will have the opportunity to take part and compete in a sporting event
All children will have the opportunity to perform in front of an audience
All children will have the opportunity to see our forest in every season of every year